1111 373

A recovery day.


Some goals for 2024:
5,000 miles for the year.
reach lifetime miles 74640 [3x round world]
weight down to 11st

successfully complete:
conquer Everest [stairs]
Goggins 4x4x48

complete challenges:
pie&mash shops in London
epping forest gates

At least TWO [40miles+] challenge runs
Marathon near 3:30
Mile near 6 minutes

3516 miles (R2256 W1260)

1111 93 [turn of the screw]

Started with a walk day. Supposed to be the goggins challenge weekend but thought I’d rest up a bit more [even David Goggins is postponing his challenge till later in the month]. I didn’t find it hugely hard at first attempt last year; seems someone has already raised the bar.

Tummy still tender but nice to be able to eat again.

470 miles (R380 W90)

4x4x48 stay hard


LeJog challenge completed after the first mile of my midnight 4 mile run [35.22]. Appropriately whilst passing Star Lane DLR station. Quads started to get tired on the ‘bumpiest’ route of the challenge. Still surprised by the pace.

4x4x48 routes

The 4am 4 miler [35.20] started sluggish at over 9 minute pace, but I obviously really wanted the sub 36 minute a run, as I picked up the effort in the last mile. Sleep remained difficult, but a couple of solid hours? A friend came to support during the 8am 4 mile run, which therefore naturally turned into the fastest of the whole 48 hour adventure [32.13].

A nice still pushing noon 4 miles [34.15] brought the total time to just under 7 hours and 4 minutes for my first Goggins 4x4x48, in an average time of 35.17 a run or 8.49 a mile pace.

goggins 4x4x48 2022

[2022] 890miles (R665 W225) BGR 239miles

4x4x48 too


A long day that started at midnight with a 4 miler in [35.31] and another 4 miles [34.33] at 4am before a little nap. Both runs off traffic tarmac and quiet [but drizzly wet], so the pace unexpectedly picked up?

At this point I realised I was not just jogging the efforts but pushing a little; with an aim of completing the whole challenge with all under 40 minute 4 mile runs?


An 8am 4 miles [35.45] to parkrun duties and another 4 miles [35.54] back after a long tea break. Pretty cold morning. Whilst having to try a bit harder towards the end of the midday run, I noted I had finished the first ‘day‘ [six runs] in an average of just under 36 minutes each.

Started the next batch of runs on tired hamstrings with a 4 miler at 4pm [34.53] which I was surprised by [though still working hard] and a final 4 miles [35.54] for Saturday at 8pm, when I consciously went a bit slower to avoid tripping on uneven pavements.

[2022] 873miles (R649 W224) BGR 222miles



Here we go. Started my first Goggins 4x4x48 challenge. First 4 miles [37.46] from work-home at 4pm, second 4 miles [36.12] at 8pm.


Funny how if you are trying to play a Tron light cycle don’t cross the streams course game, you end up boxing yourself in almost immediately. A real spaghetti junction second route.

download (1)

[2022] 849miles (R625W224) BGR 198miles